Making Rounds

by Gaetan Sgro
The Healing Muse

With the hospital on holiday
our rounds were slack.

All morning we drifted
down narrow hallways
establishing loose perimeters
around our patients’ beds.

Beside our recent amputee
the student assumed a steady cadence
a measured recitation
approximating chant.

The resident played conductor
his chin angled upwards
attending every word.

One intern untangled the blind cord
while the other replayed a phone call
that wounded the night before.

A surgeon unwrapped and inspected
the missing extremity

Amid our distraction
three young women
in navy wind suits
slipped unannounced
their sneakered footsteps
light as ninjas’
with glittering pom-poms
sheathed beneath their arms.

Without interruption
the one with the warmest smile
handed a homemade card to our patient
then bowed and exited
before he broke into tears.